D4D are pleased to announce that our 10 years of successfully bringing innovative technologies into the NHS will continue for at least a further 5 years.
Our core funding for 2018-2022 will again be provided by the National Institute for Health Research. From 2018 we will be known as NIHR Devices for Dignity MedTech Co-operative.
Our focus for the coming years is “Living my life well for longer”
By 2018 an estimated 2.9million people in England will be living with two or more long-term health conditions. Typically health conditions are managed in isolation, which is not always effective for patients or in determining the suitability of technology to help and empower them. We will look at the challenges that arise from combinations of long-term conditions in people of all ages, which impact their independence and quality of life. These restrictions include poor mobility, limb function, bladder problems, impaired speech, depression and pain. Part of our vision for the coming five years will be to reduce, treat, or improve the management of these restrictions, through the use of technologies designed in collaboration with users.
Our programme is pleased to welcome Professor Chris McDermott (Long-term Neurological Conditions), Dr Louise Moody (Human Factors), and Professor Simon Heller (Diabetes) as Theme Advisors, and we will also be collaborating with a range of new organisations, in addition to continuing to work with many of our current expert advisors.
You can read the NIHR’s announcement here.