Neurocare KnowHow – challenges & opportunities for co-design during Covid-19 and beyond
Neurocare KnowHow is a partnership, between Devices for Dignity, Ammba Digital, the University of Sheffield, and Optical Jukebox, to co-design and develop a novel online learning platform for carers to develop specialist skills and knowledge about caring for people living with long-term neurological conditions.

Designed in collaboration with carers and people living with neurological conditions, this learning resource will support training needs for care organisations, enabling care workers to increase their knowledge base, build their confidence, and enable the delivery of high quality person-centred care.

Our project partners, Ammba Digital, have been reflecting on the key learning from recent online co-design workshops and exploring the challenges and opportunities presented by Covid-19 to co-design activity.

You can read their blog here

If you’d like to find out more about opportunities to be involved please email or call (07388) 997660.