NIHR – #BePartofResearch Campaign

Over the past year, thousands of people across the UK have volunteered to help research fight back against COVID-19.

The vaccines, treatments and tests that have turned the tide against the pandemic have only been possible thanks to the thousands of people who volunteered to be part of research.

But the challenges don’t stop there. Volunteers are still needed for studies into all conditions, including diabetes, cancer, mental health and dementia.

You can find out more about opportunities to get involved at NIHR Be Part of Research.

Volunteering for studies isn’t the only way support vital health research and innovation. There are plenty of other ways to get involved.

Over the next few weeks during the #BePartofResearch Campaign, Devices for Dignity will be sharing:

  • information about our current project opportunities,
  • case studies about how patients and public involvement has shaped and improved our work developing technologies for people with long-term conditions,
  • quotes from our partners about what Public & Patient Involvement & Engagement (PPIE) means to them.