D4D’s Clinical Director, Professor Wendy Tindale, shared her take on bringing science and innovation to the heart of the NHS earlier this week at the Chief Scientific Officer’s (CSO) Annual Conference.
The event coincided with European Swallowing Awareness Day, so Professor Tindale tied her talk to a range of D4D’s projects. D4D’s swallowing projects include the development of a new bedside aspiration assessment technology, and work we have done with Ampcare in developing Ampcare Effective Swallowing Protocol (ESP), a technology that helps patients with swallowing difficulties regain safe swallowing.
The CSO Annual Conference is a two day event that took place at the Crick Institute, London, for the first time. The Crick is a biomedical discovery institute which undertakes ground-breaking multi-disciplinary scientific research with the aim of developing laboratory discoveries into treatment as quickly as possible. The two day conference was hosted by CSO Professor Sue Hill, and Vivienne Parry, Science Broadcaster and consisted of plenary sessions with world-class keynote speakers and scientific experts in their fields.
Congratulations to Dr David Keane, regular D4D collaborator, for being runner up in the Health Research Award for your work on Body Composition Monitoring for kidney care!