
Portable leg-strengthening device to prevent / reverse de-conditioning in older adults

Project Lead and Organisation

Jennifer Turner – JT Rehab Ltd (info@jtrehab.com)

Clinical Requirement

Within 2 days of being admitted to hospital 65% of people (especially the elderly) will start to lose muscle strength, up to 20% loss in muscle strength after just one week in hospital.  This can cause significant physical and functional setbacks, which can often delay their discharge home.  This is a major factor in patients not regaining their pre-admission level of independence

Project Concept

The ‘S-Press’ device was designed by Jen Turner of JT Rehab to help patients improve muscle strength and recover quicker after being admitted to hospital. The device enables patients to participate in safe, comfortable, therapeutic level resistance exercise from their beds or chairs.

The S-Press has been developed to be used as early as possible in the rehabilitation process and remove the common barriers to exercising. It is being developed so that those too weak to stand, with tubes, lines or catheters, falls anxiety, pain, or preventative medical conditions like cardiac or respiratory conditions can start exercising from their bed or chair.

Support provided by D4D

  • Proof of market and product design feedback through patient, carer and clinical consultation
  • Competitor analysis
  • Support to secure funding
  • Expert advice regarding tissue viability and infection control
  • Regulatory advice
  • Supported ethics submission for feasibility study

Project Partners

  • J T Rehab Ltd
  • Versus Arthritis
  • NIHR Devices for Dignity HRC
  • AWRC Wellbeing Accelerator (Sheffield Hallam University)
  • AMRC (University of Sheffield)
  • Palms Row Health Care Ltd
  • Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust


Over the lifespan of this project, funding has been secured from Versus Arthritis, Innovate UK, the Council of Allied Health Professionals, and the AWRC Health & Wellbeing Accelerator hosted by Sheffield Hallam University (SHU).