Assessing the value of potential product iteration options for existing medical device

Project Partners

  • NIHR Devices for Dignity HRC
  • NIHR HRC in Paediatrics and Child Health
  • TITCH Network
  • Lab4Living at Sheffield Hallam University
  • Commercial partner

Health and Care Requirement

Some patients need to be tube fed over an extended period of time and require the use of an enteral feeding pump to ensure their nutritional needs can be met. There are various devices already available within the healthcare marketplace to meet this need.

The Project Concept

The aim of the project was to undertake a comprehensive stakeholder assessment of a current CE-marked feeding pump and to identify which potential new features are seen as a priority should a new iteration of the pump be developed.  Through our multiple professional networks we aimed to reach a wide number of stakeholders  including healthcare professionals, patients, carers, family members, and industry, to obtain an understanding of any emerging needs. The purpose was to provide the contracting company with insight and to scope what is desirable as part of the next iteration of their enteral feeding support offerings.

D4D are providing:

  • Market review
  • Key stakeholder assessment
  • Product development recommendations
  • Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement

Next stage of development:

The company have been provided with a comprehensive report from this contracted piece of work, which will inform their product development strategy.


This project was one of D4D’s range of commercially contracted activities.